Hydroceles and Hernias Referral Guidelines
The testicles develop in the abdomen. Shortly before birth, they descend into the scrotum because they require a cooler temperature to develop normally and produce sperm. As the testicles leave the abdomen, they push the lining of the abdominal cavity ahead of them. This lining covers the testicles and forms a tube-like connection between the abdominal. Cavity and the scrotal sac. Normally, this connection seals off alter the testicles reach the scrotum.
- Hernias: When the connection between the abdominal calling hydrocele. In infants and young children, hernias are usually small and only fluid can pass through them. it the connection is large, intestine can pass into the scrotum which can usually be manually pushed back into the abdomen.
- Hydroceles: A simple hydrocele occurs when excessive fluid accumulates around the testicle but there is no connection to the abdomen. Most hydroceles are small and cause no symptoms or harm to the testicle or child.