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Child and Adolescent Protection Center Referral Guidelines

For Mental Health Intake Assessments and Forensic Medical Exams*

Children can be referred by their pediatrician, other health professionals, themselves, the police, social services or the courts. The patients’ insurance may require a referral from the pediatrician. To arrange for an intake and medical exam, please contact our appointment line at 202-476-4100. 

Medical and mental health providers who refer patients should explain the reason for referral, if the child is receiving mental health services and if a report to social services/police has been made. It is important to note that referring a patient to the center does not eliminate the legal requirement of the referring professional to report their suspicion of abuse to the proper authorities.

For Therapy Services*

The Center’s mental health clinicians provide specialized mental health treatment services to children, adolescents and families who have experienced physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse/assault or other forms of victimization. Clinical social workers and psychologists offer short- or long-term individual and family therapy.

To inquire about therapy, call 202-476-4100 and ask for the on-call clinician for child protection or the call the hospital operator at 202-476-5000.

For Psychological Testing

The Center offers psychological testing for children who have witnessed or survived violence and abuse. Contact Herman Tolbert, Ph.D., at 202-476-6717 to arrange for psychological testing. Criteria for psychological testing in the center are as follows:

  • Children ages 4-17 who are verbal
  • Specific questions appropriate for a psychological evaluation (there are no emergency psychological evaluations), e.g., questions related to intellectual functioning, achievement, learning problems, emotional functioning, etc., for children with a history of domestic violence, exposure to violence and/or abuse and neglect.
  • No psychological evaluation completed at least two years prior to referral (to avoid testing influences)

For Juvenile Sex Offender Evaluation and Therapy

The Center offers services to adolescents and preadolescents who have committed a sexual offense. Contact Herman Tolbert, Ph.D., at 202-476-6717 to inquire about the Juvenile Offender Treatment Program.

Adolescents, ages 12 to 17 who admit to a sexual offense, but who do not have a history of chronic sexual offenses or serious delinquency, are eligible for the program. Eligible adolescents must be free of serious substance abuse, psychosis, mental illness or retardation, and the family or guardian also must be available for participation in treatment.

Services include assessment, individual therapy and family therapy. Pre-adolescents, ages 6 to 12, receive assessment followed by individual and family psychotherapy.

Crime Victim Compensation

*If the allegation is for physical abuse, sexual abuse or sexual assault, the cost of evaluation and treatment (including counseling) not covered by insurance can be covered by Crime Victims’ Compensation. For more information about Crime Victims' Compensation:

District of Columbia

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Outpatient Appointment Referral Pads (PDFs)

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