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At Children's National Hospital, we know what it takes to truly connect with kids. Our nurses specialize in pediatric nursing, ensuring that all patients have a skilled expert to provide care. Children’s National has been Magnet-designated since 2010 and is among less than 10 percent of hospitals nationwide to have achieved this highest recognition for nursing excellence.

For more than 150 years, Children's National nurses have served the pediatric population and their families across a continuum of care. This longstanding tradition continues today. Nurses at Children’s National work closely with other healthcare professionals, bringing skill and compassion to every patient they treat and always putting the needs of children first.

Only in pediatrics can you save a lifetime.®

nurses in hallway

Your Career Opportunity Awaits

Every child deserves a champion – and it could be you. In a nursing career at Children's National, you can initiate research or lend your voice to leadership. You’ll have countless ways to grow professionally…and help children grow up stronger, too.

Little girl having her weight checked by a female nurse

A Place to Grow and Thrive

Children’s National offers professional development to support nurses’ career aspirations through our nurse trainee programs, nursing fellowships, Transition to Practice Program, continuing education and more.

Finding Inspiration to Become a Nurse

The experience Lori Irvin, BSN, RN, CPN, had with her own child having a complex medical condition uniquely positioned her to support families of the patients in her care.

Rising Through Our Ranks

The possibilities for nurses to grow their careers are endless at Children’s National. Learn about the journey Teresa Graves, MSN, RN, took from intern to director.

Nursing Mission

The Division of Nursing at Children's National Hospital (CNH) provides exemplary high quality, safe, evidence-based, accessible, culturally sensitive, inclusive care, with an ultimate goal to improve healthcare outcomes for all children throughout their lifespan.

Nursing Vision

The professional nurses of CNH will lead nationally and internationally safe, evidence-based and innovative solutions for pediatric care, within a collaborative interdisciplinary practice environment, guided by shared decision-making, and strengthened through professional development. CNH will be the flagship for pediatric nursing within our community, driven by safe and patient- and family-centered care, with a focus on financial stewardship, as well as promotion of care team joy and resilience.

Nursing Values

Through sincere compassion, steadfast commitment and genuine connection to patients, families and community, Children's National professional nurses value human dignity, respect, advocacy, and the well-being of patients, families, colleagues and each other.

Features of Our Nursing Program

Partners In Care

Evidence-Based Nursing

Shared Nursing Leadership

Professional Development

Our Professional Practice Model

At Children's National Hospital, the Nursing Professional Practice Model (PPM) embodies a comprehensive and visionary approach to nursing practice, aligned with organizational core values, strategic priorities and mirroring the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Quintuple Aim. The PPM places utmost importance on the well-being of nurses, patients, families, and communities. Through a culture of collaboration and respect, nurses work alongside all healthcare team members to elevate care quality and enrich the patient and family experience.

Through the application and evaluation of the PPM, the Children’s National nurse:

  • Integrates and applies the concepts of patient and family-centered care
  • Impacts our nursing practice through shared decision-making
  • Strengthens and expands practice through evidence-based nursing
  • Embraces professional development opportunities
  • Demonstrates effective communication and collaboration with healthcare partners
The Children's National professional practice model logo

Achievements and Honors

Learn about the awards and recognition our nurses and programs consistently receive.

Our Nurses' Stories

Nurses at Children's National have each taken a unique journey to become a pediatric nurse.

“The nurses at Children’s National are crafting ‘their story’ every day as they define and establish a foundation to lead and transform care for patients and families, achieve professional mastery, demonstrate exemplary patient care, and excel in nursing research and innovation toward the advancement of pediatric nursing."
- Linda Talley, MS, RN, NE-BC, FAAN, Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer