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The Children's National Provider Portal is a resource for referring physicians looking for real-time information on their patients referred to Children’s National Hospital. The provider portal offers nursing documentation, radiology and lab results, and other clinical information. 

Provider Portal

The provider portal platform was previously upgraded from Gateway to MPages Reach for improved functionality and enhanced user experience. 

The new provider portal link is: Please make sure you bookmark the new link. 

Provider Portal Resources

  • For password resets or help with your account access, please call the Children's National Help Desk at 202-476-HELP (4357). For improved security, the helpdesk will need your NPI to verify your account, so please have your NPI available when you call.
  • To sign up for access to the provider portal, please fill out our Provider Portal Access Request Form.
  • For other inquiries, please contact your Provider Portal support team or your physician liaison.
  • Download our new provider portal user guide (PDF). 
physician looking at ear

Provider Portal

Our Provider Portal is a resource for primary care providers to obtain real-time information on their patients who receive services at Children’s National. Log in to gain access.

nurse with monitor

Provider Portal Access Request

Children’s National must grant secure access to each physician who will log into the Provider Portal. Submit the access request form.

Paperless Clinic Notes

Children's National has gone paperless with clinic notes. This affects how you receive information about patient visits to our clinics. You will receive clinic notes electronically via fax transmission or through Direct Messaging.

If you are not sure whether your practice is using Direct Messaging and want to confirm or sign up, or if you are using it but have questions or concerns please email Direct Messaging.

Patients/families will still have access to notes via the patient portal.

The physician liaison team is available to assist you as we convert to a paperless process. Please contact your physician liaison with questions, concerns or troubleshooting advice. Thank you for your partnership.

patient young girl with doctor

Engage with Our Team through Direct Messaging

When your patient needs to see a specialist, you can connect with us via Direct Messaging, or secure email, to learn the best specialty options for your patient.