Visiting Hours and Guidelines

Visiting Hours
At Children's National Hospital, parents and guardians can be with their child 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All other visitors can see patients from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily (may vary by unit).
Visiting Guidelines
- Visitor Screening. To protect our patients, staff and others, any individual who suspects they are sick or have symptoms associated with any infectious illness (including COVID-19) should not visit.
- Mask Policy. Masking is optional at all of our facilities.
- Outpatient Appointments (including the Emergency Department (ED)). It is preferred that no more than two (2) people accompany each patient to an outpatient appointment or ED visit.
- Primary Care Appointments. It is preferred that no more than two (2) people accompany a patient to any of our Primary Care locations.
- Inpatient Stays.
- At the time of admission, four (4) people (including parents and guardians) can be identified to visit a patient admitted to the hospital in the PICU and NICU. In other care locations, visitors do not need to be designated.
- Parents or guardians can either designate/modify visitors at the time of registration or by speaking with the nurse or social worker in the unit.
- Bedside guidelines: There is a 4 visitor maximum at the bedside for patients, with the exception of our Intensive Care Units (ICUs), Adolescent and Child Psychiatry Unit, and Bone Marrow Transplant Unit where there is a 2 visitor bedside limit.
- All visitors must check in with the nurses or social workers on the child’s unit to be sure patients and their families have agreed that the patient can have visitors. Please ask about the visiting hours and rules on the unit.
- Sibling/Minor Visitation. Siblings/minors under 18 years of age may visit, but must be supervised by an adult at all times. Siblings/minors visiting our PICU, NICU, CICU, HKU and BMT must be at least 10 years old. Siblings/minors younger than 18 years old cannot spend the night.
- Patients with, or suspected to have, COVID-19. The visitation for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection is limited to two (2) designated people.
Please read the specifics below, as we continue to evaluate and adjust the visitor policy to ensure the safety of patients, families and staff.
Lactation and Consult Rooms
Nursing parents are welcome to breastfeed anywhere that they are comfortable at Children’s National. In addition, our main campus offers two lactation rooms available for outpatient families for nursing or for small, private family meetings. These are separate from the family rooms, and are located on 3 East near the Heart and Kidney Unit. No scheduling is required.
Electronic Security Screening
Security Screening
Is the Evolv system safe for people with an implanted or wearable medical device?
Is the security system safe?
Is the Evolv system safe for pregnant people?
Additional Information for Visitors
Using the Elevators at Children's National
Please help us fight infection
Please Help Us Keep a Safe and Healthy Environment
COVID-19 Family and Caregiver Visitation Policy
Important Information for Parents and Caregivers Who May Have Been Exposed to COVID-19
Mask Policy for Visitors
Hospital Visiting Hours
Inpatient Stays
Children's National Hospital and its affiliates do not restrict or deny visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
A Note for Our Visitors
Children's National is a No Hit Zone
Just like you, we want your child to reach their fullest potential. Children's National supports a violence-free campus and prioritizes safety among staff, patients and visitors. Our No Hit Zone relates to violence of any kind, including interactions among parents/caretakers, colleagues, families and our employees.