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Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip Referral Guidelines

A disorder of abnormal hip development characterized by underdevelopment of the acetabulum.  This idiopathic condition is known as acetabular dysplasia, which can potentially result in hip subluxation or dislocation.  Dysplasia can cause significant hip function morbidity and is one of the most common causes of total hip arthroplasty in young adults (<40 years of age).  This entity is separate from hip conditions secondary to known etiologies, such as cerebral palsy or spina bifida.


Frequently Asked Questions


How should I initially evaluate and manage my patient?

When should I refer my patient?

How can I refer my patient?

What to can my patient expect from a visit to Children’s National Hospital?

Doctor examining a patient

Outpatient Appointment Referral Pads

Children's National Hospital offers convenient outpatient locations for specialty care. To help connect your patients with our specialists, please complete the form to request a referral pad from your physician liaison.

Doctor examining a patient