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Children's National Hospital is a founding member of – and ongoing leader in – the District of Columbia Health Matters Collaborative (DCHMC), which was created in 2012. Formerly known as the DC Healthy Communities Collaborative, this coalition of D.C. hospitals and community health centers shares a common goal: reduce health disparities and increase healthy equity for the most vulnerable D.C. populations. 

Every three years, the group conducts a community health needs assessment (CHNA) to define health priorities for Washington, D.C. Then, to address the identified health priorities, it initiates a community health improvement plan (CHIP) identifying the best approaches for improving community health. The Collaborative focuses on policy changes and community initiatives that address local disparities, including the social conditions that impact health.

In 2019, DCHMC’s CHNA identified four key community health priorities it is addressing through the CHIP:

  • Mental Health
  • Care Coordination
  • Health Literacy 
  • Place-Based Care

Community leaders and other key stakeholders are invited to take part in the process, by participating on a community advisory board or by providing input during needs assessment and plan development processes.

Connecting with the Community

The DCHMC also involves the larger community by sharing data and findings on This website is used to house reports, develop a responsive health improvement plan and facilitate community reporting, as well as connect community health data to promising practices, local resources, and funding opportunities. In 2019, DCHMC launched DC Health Matters Connect – our online resources directory to help providers and residents search and connect with an array of free and reduced cost social service programs. 

For more information about the DCHMC and upcoming events, contact us at or visit

  • Bread for the City
  • Children's National Rehabilitation & Specialized Care
  • Community of Hope
  • DC Behavioral Health Association
  • DC Hospital Association
  • DC Primary Care Association
  • Howard University Hospital
  • Mary's Center
  • Sibley Memorial Hospital
  • Unity Health Care, Inc.