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What are the requirements to vote?

    • Be a U.S. citizen and D.C., resident for at least 30 days before the election
    • Be 16 years old*
    • Not registered to vote in another state
    • Not have been found by a court to be legally incompetent to vote

    How to Vote in 5 Easy Steps

    Step 1: Register to Vote

    Step 2: Know the Candidates

    • Select candidates that are running for political office based on your own research. Do not rely solely on social media or media coverage of the candidate or party affiliation. It is important that you learn the issues that are important to each candidate.

    Step 3: Know the Rules

    • Most voting stations are open 12 hours on election day. According to federal law, first-time voters must bring a valid photo ID or a bill, pay stub or government document showing their name and current address.

    Step 4: Find Your Polling Place

    • State election offices determine your polling place by your voter registration address. It is important that your voter registration address is current.

    Step 5: Cast Your Ballot

    • You can vote in-person or by mailing in an absentee ballot. If you are unable to vote on the day of the election, there may be opportunities to cast your ballot early.

    * In D.C., you may pre-register to vote if you are 16 years old. You may vote in a primary election if you are 17 years old and will be 18 years old by the next general election. In MD, you may register to vote if you are 16 years old but cannot vote unless you will be 18 years old by the next general election.

    Are you ready to vote?

    Are you 16 years old?

    Do you have proof of residency?

    Do you want to register to vote online or by-mail?

    Vote for Healthier Kids and Stronger Communities

    Voting is an important way to make your voice heard and influence government policies that impact your health.

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    Voting in the 2024 Presidential General Election

    Children's National Hospital has developed a guide to help inform youth about voting. Learn about the requirements and steps to vote for first-time voters in Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia.

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