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Pediatric Bowel Lengthening Surgery: Bianchi and STEP

What You Need to Know

We may recommend a bowel lengthening procedure for children with short bowel syndrome (SBS). Children with short bowel syndrome cannot absorb the necessary nutrients and fluids and often need to receive total parenteral nutrition (TPN, or intravenous feeding).

About this Treatment

Bowel Lengthening Procedures at Children’s National Hospital

Surgical Procedures for Bowel Syndrome: Bowel Lengthening and Ostomy in Continuity

Bowel Lengthening and Ostomy in Continuity

Meet the Providers of Bowel Lengthening Surgery: Bianchi and STEP

Departments that Offer Bowel Lengthening Surgery: Bianchi and STEP

    Boy smiling at the camera

    General and Thoracic Surgery

    The General and Thoracic Surgery team offers expert surgical care with minimally invasive techniques for a wide range of conditions in children. Learn more about this department.

    Intestinal Rehabilitation Program

    Our nationally renowned team members have dedicated their careers to treating children with intestinal failure. We offer a precise diagnosis, a personalized treatment plan, and ongoing care for children and families. Learn more about our program.

Girl Smiling and Clapping

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