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The Single Ventricle Home Monitoring Program (HMP) at Children’s National Hospital provides specialized outpatient care after your child’s first surgery and before their second operation. This time between surgeries is called “interstage,” and is a time of close monitoring and tracking your baby’s progress. The goal of the Home Monitoring Program is to help prevent complications such as weight loss, poor feeding or changes in your child’s breathing or oxygen saturations, which can sometimes occur during this time period.

Home monitoring allows the care team to provide support to you, the parents/guardians, while also following your baby’s growth and oxygen saturation levels. Growth and weight gain are important markers of success when your child is getting ready for their next surgery. Most importantly, you know your child best, and you will have quick access to the single ventricle team during this time.

Before your child is discharged from their first surgery, you will receive extensive education and training. A tablet, scale and oxygen monitor will also be provided for the interstage period. These tools will allow you to send information and videos to your dedicated home monitoring team.

Using the CHAMP® App for Home Monitoring After Heart Surgery

A caregiver looks at a tablet with a home monitoring app after their child's heart surgery.At Children’s National, we are one of the few centers to have access to the CHAMP® application created by Children’s Mercy Kansas City. The CHAMP® App can be used by parents or caregivers to send information electronically to their home monitoring team. Your home monitoring team is able to access the information through a provider web portal. The CHAMP® App is available to providers and families exclusively as part of a research study.

If you choose to participate in this research study, you will be provided with more information during the informed consent process. If you have any concerns regarding your child, there is a provider on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to discuss a plan with you.

IMPORTANT: The CHAMP® App is an investigational device limited by federal law to investigational use.

Questions About Home Monitoring?

To learn more about single ventricle home monitoring, call or email our team.