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At Children’s National Hospital, our team in the department of neurodevelopmental disabilities and neurogenetics provides care for children with a variety of developmental and behavioral disorders and differences. Neurodevelopmental disorders are conditions that affect how the brain grows and works, starting from when someone is young. 

Our Providers

Our pediatric specialists provide personalized care for your child’s physical, mental and emotional health needs.

Contact Information

For appointments, please call 1-888-884-BEAR (2327) and for information, call 202-476-2327.

Comprehensive Neurodevelopmental Care

Neurodevelopmental disorders might make it harder for your child to do things like paying attention, learning new things, or getting along with others. However, with help and support, people with these disorders can still do great things and live happy lives.

Our experienced team will:

  • Support your family in understanding and managing your child’s neurodevelopmental condition
  • Help to direct your child’s care, which may include prescription medicine, referrals and test results
  • Assist in communication with schools, other doctors and other important contacts about your child’s needs

Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics Overview

  • Evaluation of developmental delays in:
    • Speech/language
    • Motor functioning
    • Cognitive/academic/problem-solving
    • Social/emotional skills
  • ADHD evaluation and treatment
  • Evaluation for academic underachievement and learning problems*
  • Evaluation for behavior concerns in young children
  • Autism evaluation and management
    • Please note that in certain more complex cases, our department may refer children out for additional assessment before making an autism diagnosis.
  • Neurogenetic specialists may provide genetic testing and counseling

*Most evaluations include screening assessments and sometimes use developmental assessment tools to aid with diagnosis and recommendations. We DO NOT provide comprehensive IQ testing or neuropsychological evaluations.

Make an Appointment with Our Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics Specialists

dad sitting with child in lap

Enroll in the Treating Parents with ADHD and their Children Study

If you are a caregiver with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and your child has ADHD symptoms, you may be eligible for this research study. Learn more about potential benefits of this study.

Existing patients

Refill Request Process

We are unable to refill medications if the patient has not had an office visit within the past six (6) months. If the patient has had an office visit within the past six (6) months, please contact us.

Additional Resources

Patient Stories

  • All the Care that Jeffrey Needs

    Eight-year old Jeffrey was diagnosed with Fragile X syndrome at age 3.

  • Jake's Story

    When Jake Brady was born, he was a normal, happy baby. He did seem to be hitting his development milestones a little late, but his parents weren't worried. When he was 10 months old, his parents, Trisha and Jason Brady, noticed what they now realize was Jake's first seizure

A boy sits at a table playing with colorful plastic chain link toys.

Fellowship Opportunity

Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities Fellowship at Children’s National

Children's National experts in pediatric neurodevelopment, psychology and related disciplines guide participants in the LEND-CN Fellowship as they prepare to care for children throughout their careers.