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Anisha Abraham, M.D., M.P.H., is the chief of Adolescent Medicine.

Martha Perry, M.D., is the Adolescent Medicine Fellowship program director. As the program director, she is responsible for monitoring fellows for signs of stress and fatigue, including mental or emotional conditions inhibiting performance or learning, as well as guiding fellows’ scholarly pursuits and individual learning plans.

Lorato Anderson, M.D., is a pediatrician with an interest in HIV care and global health working in our general adolescent clinic.

Molly Basch, Ph. D., is a psychologist specializing in Gender Heath and serving our Youth Pride patients.

Nailah Coleman, M.D., supervises the Goldberg Primary Care Sports Medicine Clinic (based at Shaw Metro) and directs the Primary Care Sports Medicine rotation for all trainee levels. She serves as a preceptor at Shaw Metro and is also a member of the Goldberg EHR Informatics Team.

Lawrence D'Angelo, M.D., M.P.H., is the former director of the LGBTQ Youth Pride Clinic and the Emeritus Chief of the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine. Dr. D’Angelo currently is contributing to the division as a special consultant to the Delaney (eating disorders) and Youth Pride (gender diversity) Clinics.

Erica Eisenman, Psy.D., supervises the Whole Bear Care Program and adolescent medicine in the elements of the mental health rotation.

Julie Faden-Shifrin, LICSW, LCSW-C, LCSW, is the Adolescent Medicine social worker and works with fellows on scholarly efforts related to ACEs, mental health and psychosocial screening.  

Tonya Katcher, M.D., is a pediatrician who provides care in our Youth Pride.

Sharyn Malcolm, M.D., M.P.H., is a preceptor at Shepherd Park and Shaw Metro and an attending on the inpatient unit. She serves as the Medical Director of Outpatient Clinical Services.

Joseph Waters, M.D., is Associate Program Director and a provider in the Youth Pride Clinic and Gender Adolescent Health Clinic.

Kathy Woodward-Murray, M.D., is a preceptor for Shaw Metro, faculty physician and an attending on the inpatient unit. She also supervises fellows in the areas of community pediatrics and adolescent gynecology/reproductive health.