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The Translation of Science into Practice: The Role of an Applied Research Center

Date: March 2, 2020
Location: Main Hospital, 6th Floor, M7607 Large Conference Room

111 Michigan Ave NW

Washington, Washington DC


<p>The Center for Translational Research and the Health Disparities Special Interest Group are co-hosting the Enrichment Series. We have invited esteemed guest speaker.Olga Acosta Price, Ph.D., to discuss important topics in our series of lectures.</p>

Lunch Provided: First-come, first-served

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The Center for Translational Research and the Health Disparities Special Interest Group are co-hosting the Enrichment Series. Learn from one of our esteemed guest speakers in our series of lectures.

Olga Acosta Price, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Prevention and Community Health. She is also Director of the Center for Health and Health Care in Schools, a national resource and technical assistance center committed to building effective school health programs.

A passionate advocate of school-based mental health services, Olga Acosta Price has dedicated her formal training in clinical psychology to improving the lives of young people. "My experiences working with children, youth and families have driven my desire to understand resilience and to approach our work together from a strength-based perspective," she says. Giving voice to the concerns of young people is an essential priority for her. "I thoroughly enjoy creating opportunities for youth to share their insights. They don't hesitate to tell those of us who develop systems of care that we are clueless about what the world is really like for them." Learn more about Dr. Price.

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