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Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant

What is a bone marrow transplant for children?

A bone marrow transplant (BMT) is a treatment for children with certain types of cancer or other diseases. The goal of BMT is to replace a child’s diseased bone marrow with healthy bone marrow.

Bone marrow is the spongy material in the center of the bones that makes all types of blood cells, including young blood cells called stem cells. In BMT, stem cells are filtered, and then put back into the same child. Or they are put into another sick child. These stem cells will grow and become new and healthy bone marrow. Transplanted stem cells are called the graft.

There are different types of BMT based on how the healthy stem cells are collected.

Frequently Asked Questions

Types of Bone Marrow Transplants

Autologous bone marrow transplant

Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant

Umbilical Cord Blood Transplant

About This Treatment

What specialists will manage my child's bone marrow transplant?

Why might my child need a bone marrow transplant?

What are the risks of a bone marrow transplant for a child?

Pre and Post Operative Care

How do I help my child get ready for a bone marrow transplant?

What happens during a bone marrow transplant for a child?

What happens after a bone marrow transplant for a child?

Meet the Bone Marrow Transplant Providers

Patient Stories

  • Dr. Abraham's Story

    Allistair Abraham, MD, is a blood and marrow transplantation specialist at Children's National. He provides clinical care and researches sickle cell disease. He cured Demier. "When I see pictures of him playing and having fun," Dr. Abraham says, "those are the real wow moments."

  • John's Story

    John's daughter was diagnosed with lymphoma. She was the first patient to enroll in a particular immunotherapy clinical trial, and it was successful. John says, "If there is a silver lining to her lymphoma story, it's that she opened a door that might one day help save another child's life."

  • Healing Close to Home

    Helena's son Jehoram was born with sickle cell disease. For years, her family barely left home. Care at Children's National Hospital helped Jehoram, and his whole family, get better and get back to their lives.

Departments that Offer Bone Marrow Transplant

    Some tubes in a cylinder inside a lab mini fridge.

    Cellular Therapy Program

    The Cellular Therapy Program offers cutting-edge treatments to fight cancer and infections. See how we provide hope for children with treatment-resistant cancers.

    Provider and young boy giving a high five

    Comprehensive Sickle Cell Disease Program

    The Comprehensive Sickle Cell Program provides specialized care and treatment for sickle cell disease in babies, children and adolescents. Learn more about this department.

    researcher in the lab

    Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

    Our Pathology and Lab Medicine team provides advanced diagnostic services for pediatric patients. Learn about our expert laboratory testing, blood draw service and pathology care.

Girl Smiling and Clapping

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