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Phone: 703-876-2788

About this Location

Pediatric Specialists of Virginia (PSV) was collaboratively created by Children’s National Hospital and Inova Children's in 2013 as a pediatric specialty group dedicated to caring for the needs of children in Northern Virginia and surrounding areas. Its mission is to provide superb pediatric specialty care through clinical excellence, innovation, education, research and family-centered care. As a nonprofit medical group practice, our specialists care for children during hospital stays at Children’s National and Inova Children’s and throughout their childhood on an ongoing, outpatient basis.

In February 2023, Pediatric Specialists of Virginia (PSV) will transition some of its specialty services to its parent organizations – Children’s National and Inova Children’s – while some services will remain in PSV. There are frequently asked questions available below about the transition, including new phone numbers and how to get more information.

PSV Transition: What Patients Need to Know

What is happening to Pediatric Specialists of Virginia (PSV)?

Why is this transition happening?

When will the transition go into effect?

Is PSV going away? Will PSV shut down?

How will I know if my provider is staying with PSV or not?

Do I need to do anything if my doctor/specialty is staying with PSV?

Can we keep the same medical team if our doctor/specialty is leaving PSV?

What if I have an appointment scheduled at PSV after Feb. 6, 2023?

Will medical records and insurance information be automatically transitioned?

Do I need a new referral from the doctor and reauthorization from my insurance once the transition goes into effect?

What number should I call to make an appointment?

What are the addresses of the new clinic locations?

Meet the Team at the Pediatric Specialists of Virginia