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Pediatric Cloacal Malformations

What You Need to Know

  • Cloacal malformations affect female fetuses causing the rectum, vagina and urinary tract to form a single channel.
  • Symptoms include abdominal swelling, kidney issues and fluid backup into the vagina and uterus.
  • Imaging tests can identify cloacal malfunctions, and surgery and catheterization may be used in treatment.
  • Parents and caregivers play a vital role in helping children recover after treatment.

What Are Pediatric Cloacal Malformations?

A cloacal malformation is a type of anorectal malformation that occurs in a female fetus when the rectum, vagina and urinary tract form a single channel known as a cloaca rather than three separate openings. The severity of the condition depends on where the three tracts have joined together. Cloacal malformations occur when the embryonic anorectal and urogenital channels fail to separate during the sixth and seventh weeks of gestational development. This condition is rare; cloacal malformations only occur in approximately 1 in 50,000 live births. 

Cloacal Exstrophy

Cloacal exstrophy is one of the most complicated and severe forms of cloacal malformations. It occurs when a baby is born with several organs that are exposed, such as the bladder or large intestine, and is combined often with these organs protruding from the navel (called an omphalocele).

Common Types of Cloaca

Cloaca with a short common channel

Cloaca with short common channel
The most common type of malformation. There is a short common channel and a good length urethra. This can be repaired using a posterior sagittal incision only to reach urethra, vagina and rectum. For the urethra and vagina, a total urogenital mobilization would be employed.

Cloaca with a long common channel

Cloaca with long common channel
There is a long common channel and a short urethra. Repairing it requires separation of the vagina from the common channel, and the common channel then becomes the urethra. This is called a urogenital separation. The rectum is often also quite high. This type of repair requires a posterior sagittal approach as well as an abdominal approach, using either laparoscopy or a laparotomy.

Cloaca with a very high rectum

Cloaca with a very high rectum
There is a low confluence and short common channel but the rectum is very high. In this case, a total urogenital mobilization can be employed, and for the rectum, laparoscopy would be needed.

Cloaca with two hydrocolpos

Cloaca with two hydrocolpos
This occurs in about one half of all cloacas. The urine, rather than passing through the common channel, goes back into the vagina, dilating it. And the large vagina can compress the ends of the ureters and cause hydronephrosis (stretched/swollen kidneys).

Cloaca with two hemivaginas

Cloaca with two hemivaginas
This occurs in about half of all cloacas – these patients have a duplicated gynecologic (Mullerian) system.

Recognizing Cloacal Malformation Symptoms

Newborn babies with cloacal malformations do not have visible anuses. Urine usually successfully passes, but it is mixed with vaginal mucous and stool. They also may have symptoms or complications such as:

  • Abdominal swelling
  • Enlarged kidneys
  • Having only one kidney
  • Hydrocolpos — a condition causing fluid to back up in the vagina and uterus, which can cause a blockage of the ureters
  • Urine that backs up into the kidneys (reflux)
  • Problems with function of gynecologic organs that may persist into adulthood

Prenatal testing sometimes detects cloacal malformations before birth. Early treatment is required to lessen complications. 

Diagnosis of Cloacal Malformation in Infants at Children's National

In some cases, doctors may be able to diagnose the malformation in utero. However, in most cases, making an accurate diagnosis requires a physical examination and various diagnostic tests after the baby is born. Children's National expert pediatric colorectal surgeons, urologists and gynecologists use the latest diagnostic tests and tools to evaluate for all the possible defects that could be related to your child’s condition.

When evaluating a newborn with a suspected cloacal malformation, the following diagnostic tests may be used:

  • Abdominal ultrasound. To examine the kidneys, bladder, gynecologic system and pelvic organs
  • Spinal ultrasound. To evaluate for spine abnormalities or other neurological problems such as tethered cord or myelomeningocele
  • X-rays. To examine the spine and sacrum

Imaging tests are very important because children diagnosed with this condition may also have anomalies in other organ systems.

3D Cloacagram

A pediatric team may also use a 3D cloacagram, as seen in this video, to help define the anatomy detected on the imaging and plan for surgery. A cloacagram can be helpful in detecting the type of cloaca that is present.

Treatment Approaches for Pediatric Cloacal Malformations

Cloacal malformations can be very complex and require multidisciplinary treatment from several different specialists.

  • Birth and stabilization. Immediate treatment of the newborn will entail drainage of the urine and a colostomy to allow stool to exit the body. Once the baby has stabilized, a comprehensive diagnosis will be completed.
  • Imaging and diagnosis. The medical team may order an abdominal and pelvic ultrasound to obtain high-definition images of the spine and pelvis. An endoscopic examination, taking place after the neonatal period, may also be recommended as it allows the team to obtain a more detailed anatomical understanding of the malformation.
  • Treatment plan. Based on the radiologic testing and examination results, the medical team will create an individualized treatment plan unique to your baby’s specific condition that will involve surgical reconstruction. This involves collaboration of the colorectal, urologic and gynecologic teams at all stages of care.
  • Surgery. Reconstructive surgery often includes constructing or correcting channels to separate the urethra and vagina functions. Pull-through surgery may be required to re-attach the colon to the anus. Additional surgery will likely be needed to close the ostomy that was created at birth.
  • Catheterization. Sometimes, patients need catheterization to drain their bladder. This is when a thin, flexible tube is inserted through the urethra and into the bladder to remove urine. 

The Pediatric Colorectal & Pelvic Reconstruction Program team at Children's National Hospital has the world's greatest volume of experience in surgically treating cloacas, and in particular the most complex types of cloacal malformations, and specializes in the repair of colorectal, urologic and gynecologic organs.

Helping Your Child Recover from Surgery

Recovery from cloacal malformation reconstructive surgery will typically require several or more days in the hospital. Your child will need to be closely supervised to make sure the urethra, vagina and rectum have adequately healed. 

As with all anorectal malformations, surgery will restore some function, but the nerves and muscles that control the bowels may still be weak. Children who have had surgery for anorectal malformations may experience fecal incontinence or constipation, but this can be well managed using our bowel management program.

For patients who need it, the bowel management program can help facilitate optimal bowel function in combination with following a healthy diet rich in fiber to combat constipation. Children’s National’s bowel management program consists of a week-long outpatient program followed by ongoing appointments (as needed) until the child can remain clean and dry. The program is individualized based on the patient’s diagnosis, age, symptoms, medical history and goals. It’s offered 12 to 15 times per year.

Some patients require continued catheterization of the urinary system to ensure good emptying of the bladder. All patients require long-term monitoring of kidney function. Your medical team will discuss what recovery will entail for your child.

Long-Term Care for Infant Cloacal Malformations

Children born with cloacal malformations require long-term, continued follow-up care as this condition can increase the risk of certain urological, gynecological and colorectal conditions.


During Childhood

Entering Adolescence

Learn More in Our Educational Videos

Our Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Reconstruction team has produced a series of educational videos on topics such as care following a pull-through procedure for a child with Hirschsprung's disease and much more. We hope that families facing colorectal conditions can better navigate their care journey by watching the videos.

View the full playlist(External website)

More About Cloacal Malformations

Children with cloacal malformations require long-term, continued care as this condition can increase the risk of developing certain urological, gynecological and colorectal conditions later in life. Learn more about treatment, post-operative issues and long-term outcomes.

Schedule an Appointment with Us

At Children's National, our providers are some of the most renowned and experienced pediatric colorectal specialists in the world. Plus, we offer colorectal care for life, making transitions into adolescence and adulthood healthier. Book your child's appointment today.

Meet the Providers Who Treat Cloacal Malformations

Our providers are specifically trained to care for the needs of children with cloacal malformations. Due to their complexity, cloacal malformations require multidisciplinary treatment from pediatric surgeons, urologists and gynecologists. Get to know our team.

Departments that Treat Cloacal Malformations

    A baby with a stethoscope.

    The Zickler Family Prenatal Pediatrics Institute

    The Zickler Family Prenatal Pediatrics Institute at Children's National Hospital in Washington, D.C., provides specialized care for babies during pregnancy, delivery and after birth.

    Dr. Marc Levitt treats baby colorectal patient accompanied by parents.

    Pediatric Colorectal & Pelvic Reconstruction

    The Division of Pediatric Colorectal & Pelvic Reconstruction offers the latest advancements in diagnosis and treatment for all types of pediatric colorectal disorders. Learn more about our division.