We welcome you and your child to Interventional Radiology. Please read the specific information on your child’s procedure and bring questions with you on the day of the procedure. If there are any concerns prior to your procedure, we can be reached at 202-476-3791.
It is very important that you arrive promptly for the procedure. Generally, we ask you to register nearly one to two hours before your procedure time and arriving late may cause further delays for your child.
If your child is not feeling well or is not in their usual state of health, please call us. It is very important that we know before the procedure. You can call us at 202-476-3791.
The Interventional Radiology team at Children’s National looks forward to seeing you and your child.
Preparing for Your Child's Procedure
Where is Interventional Radiology located in the main hospital?
What is my child allowed to eat or drink before the procedure?
How do my child and I prepare for the procedure?
Being There for Your Child
How can I provide emotional support for my child?
What to Expect on the Day of Your Child's Procedure
What should I expect on procedure day in the Interventional Radiology suite?
What should I expect on procedure day in the operating room?
Please Note:
If you are pregnant or think you could be, you may not accompany your child during the procedure. This is because of the radiation from X-rays and other imaging.
If you have other children, you will need to make arrangements for them to stay at home.
You will wear a heavy lead apron for radiation protection. If you experience frequent back or neck pain or have a condition that prevents you from carrying more than 5-10 pounds, you may not want to accompany your child during the procedure as the lead apron exacerbate your problem.