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Gender Development Program

Online Support Group for Parents

An electronic listserv is a closed email distribution list that permits a member to exchange emails with all the group members at the same time. Listserv members can post and read messages from other parents and moderators. The listservs work as virtual support groups.

The Children’s Gender and Sexuality Advocacy and Education Program moderates two electronic listservs for:

  • Parents of boys and girls
  • Parents of girls

Only invited members can access the listservs, and only parents are admitted. Interested parents are required to participate in a confidential telephone interview before joining the listserv. If you are interested, please email us.

More About Our Support Group

Are the discussions confidential?

How could I join?

How do I stop being on the list serve?

What is a list serve?

Why is an intake needed?

Will my information be used for research purposes?

Will the intake fee of $125 be covered by my insurance plan?