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Autism Spectrum Disorders

Executive Function and Social Skills Groups

Boy on playground swing
Groups are based on the spiraling Unstuck and On Target curricula series designed to support executive function skills using a neurodiversity-affirming approach. Our groups may be run by one or more clinical experts in autism (e.g., clinical psychologists, speech/language pathologists). Trainees may also be involved in groups.

The Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders (CASD) at Children’s National Hospital has a variety of programs and services to help care for and treat your child’s needs. Your child will have access to the latest treatments based on our cutting-edge research and our commitment to providing age-appropriate, personalized care for your child.

Groups are run yearly or seasonally. Interest in our groups runs very high, and we run a very limited number of groups each year. We maintain an interest list, rather than a traditional waitlist, due to space limitations and to make sure the group and curriculum are an appropriate fit for each child or teen. We are unable to guarantee that a spot in group will be available at any particular time.

Free parent-focused videos for parents about executive functioning are also available in both English and Spanish through the curriculum website. Families may also wish to consider the paid online parent training program. The elementary school group is also sometimes offered by community providers.

Please note: We are not currently offering the “Unstuck and On Target: Ages 11-14” group or the “Flexible Futures” group. Only children under age 11 can be added to our interest list at this time.

Our Groups

Flexibility and Friendship

Age: 4-5 years/PreK-Kindergarten
Targets: Social skills and flexibility in young children with a diagnosis of ASD through a play-based and story-based curriculum
Best for: Children with ASD who can answer direct questions about things that happened to them at another time
Available at: Neuropsychology at Children's National Montgomery County

Children learn:

  • How to play games and pretend together
  • How to change their play plans when needed
  • Coping skills
  • Sharing and taking turns
  • Early conversation skills

In their own group, parents receive coaching on:

  • How to support kids in using their new skills at home
  • Strategies for young children with ASD on a variety of topics, such as picky eating, planning play dates and school supports

For more info:

For more info: Email our team with the subject line "Flexibility and Friendship Group."

Email our team
child with watering can

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