Our Providers
Our pediatric specialists provide personalized care for your child’s physical, mental and emotional health needs.
Contact Information
For appointments, please call 1-888-884-BEAR (2327) and for information, call 202-476-2112.
Why Choose the Children’s National Bone Health Program?
The Children's National Bone Health Program specializes in caring for healthy children, children with inherited (genetic) bone conditions, and children whose bones have been damaged from illness or poor nutrition. Our team of experts gets to know every child personally and approaches each treatment with your child’s future in mind. Our knowledge of the field and dedication to enhancing treatments to meet the needs of each child help us provide the best possible care for children with a broad range of bone health conditions.
Highlights of our program include:
- Bone health expertise: Our depth of expertise includes a multidisciplinary team led by one of the world’s leading pediatric bone health experts, Laura Tosi, MD. With more than 30 years of experience, Dr. Tosi has pioneered care, treatment and research for many rare bone disorders.
- Team approach: Our collaborative approach helps your child get the most out of each clinic visit. Here, endocrinologists, orthopaedists, geneticists and advanced practice nurses, all of whom specialize in bone disease, come together to deliver the best care for your child. Meet the team.
- Precise diagnosis: We are one of the few pediatric programs in the country offering on-site technology for measuring bone quality, including dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry or DXA scan.
- Safe and accurate measurement of bone density: Our team only uses Certified Bone Densitometry Technologists (CBDT®). These professionals consistently meet the highest levels of safety and accuracy for performing bone density measurements.
- Advanced treatments: We offer pamidronate and zoledronate intravenous infusions for the treatment of bone fragility. Our dedicated Bone Health nurse practitioner administers these bone-strengthening medications, ensuring that your child is always in the hands of a qualified, caring expert.
- Research: Your child’s care is based on the latest advances in bone healthcare. Our ongoing partnership with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of the largest research institutions in the US, is helping us learn more about the basic science behind complex bone conditions. For example, we are a site for the NIH-sponsored study to learn about the natural history of Brittle Bone Disease (Osteogenesis imperfecta). We provide surgical care for NIH patients with severe overgrowth syndromes, and we assist with the training of NIH/Children’s National endocrinology fellows. We also study the genetics of what makes bones strong, why they fracture, and the impact of environmental factors, such as exercise and nutrition, on bone formation.
Conditions and Treatments
Understanding your child's condition is an important step on your treatment journey. Learn more about causes, symptoms and diagnosis for a variety of conditions, as well as unique treatments and research being performed at Children's National.
Our specialists in the Bone Health Program have extensive experience in caring for many of bone health disorders. Using a variety of treatments tailored to each unique child’s needs, we help him or her reach the highest level of physical wellness possible.
Why Healthy Bones are Important
Your child’s bone health plays an important role in his or her future health and quality of life. During childhood, bones get big and strong by storing important minerals, such as calcium. Children who are not able to build strong bones often cannot catch up in adulthood. That’s why we focus on addressing bone health issues early in childhood.
The good news is your child’s bones are constantly changing. With proper treatment, he or she may be able to improve his or her bone quality and reduce future fracture risk, as well as the negative impact of many bone health conditions. Improving bone health during childhood helps prevent or delay broken bones later in life.

Clinical Trial
Brittle Bone Disease
For more information about the Brittle Bone Disease Natural History Study or to inquire about participation, please contact the Clinical Research Coordinator.

Patient Stories
- The Gift of Life After Cancer
Kai first came to Children's National Hospital when pain in his legs got so bad he couldn't walk. A bone health specialist and orthopaedic surgeon made sure he got the right diagnosis: Kai had leukemia. After more than two years of care and support, he's now cancer free.
- Helping Victoria Run and Play
Victoria came to Children's National Hospital as a toddler. She had mild cerebral palsy, a neurological condition that affects movement, balance, and posture.Exceptional care helpedher graduate from needing a wheelchair. Now she has the freedom to run and play.
- Justice's Story
Learn about how bisphosphonate infusions enabled experts from the Bone Health Program to strengthen Justice's bones and prevent future fractures.