We invite motivated students to spend time in the Division of Anesthesiology, Pain and Perioperative Medicine, shadowing an anesthesiologist in the clinical setting or volunteering as a research assistant on a specific project.
Students will shadow an anesthesiologist throughout their daily clinical responsibilities in the operating room, pain clinic or preoperative clinic. Students may only monitor regular hospital care; they may not physically examine patients, write in charts or discuss care management with patients.
Research students have the opportunity to work with faculty members on specific research projects sponsored by the Division or may propose new work for future development. As part of the research team, students have the opportunity to participate in research design, data collection and data analysis.
Individuals who are interested in the observership and research experience should email the following information to Tamanda Douglas, M.D., anesthesiologist:
- Your personal information, including your dates of availability
- A brief personal statement expressing the experience you are seeking during your time with Anesthesiology, Pain and Perioperative Medicine
- Curriculum vitae
- One letter of recommendation