Heart Center Referral Guidelines
Children’s National Heart Center brings together the region’s only team of dedicated pediatric cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, cardiac anesthesiologists and dual-boarded cardiac intensivists to provide the highest quality care in the most technologically advanced setting.
The Division of Cardiology provides both inpatient and outpatient diagnostic and treatment services for a full range of pediatric cardiovascular disorders, including congenital heart disease, acquired heart disease, cardiomyopathy, fetal echocardiography, hypertension, premature atherosclerosis and arrhythmias. Newborn consultation is offered in community hospital nurseries.
Special services include:
- Echocardiography (fetal, transesophageal and 3D reconstruction)
- Cardiac MRI
- Cardiac catheterization (diagnostic and interventional)
- Arrhythmia services (electrocardiograms, Holter monitors, pacemakers, electrophysiology studies and ablation therapy)
- Preventive cardiology (cholesterol/lipids, hypertension and exercise stress tests)
- Adult congenital heart disease program
- Pulmonary hypertension program
- Fetal cardiology
- Cardiac failure
The following information may be required on the referral form. See specific guidelines for data needed for a referral.
- Echocardiogram with doppler and color flow
- Fetal echocardiogram
- Holter
- Event monitor with transtelephonic recordings
- Stress test
- Pulse ox
- Lab work
- Chest x-ray
- Cardiac catheterization
Please send results of any previous tests.
Cardiac Surgery
The Division of Cardiac Surgery has dedicated pediatric and congenital cardiovascular surgeons performing palliative and corrective procedures for newborns, infants, children and adults. Procedures performed include the entire range of congenital heart disease from the simplest to the most complex problems. Each patient is cared for by a pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist during surgery. Postoperative care is provided by a highly trained staff with special expertise in cardiac intensive care in the dedicated Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.
Specialized Programs
Heart Murmur
Chest Pains
Family History of Heart Disease

Physician Access Line
Need to reach a Children's National specialist for a quick consult about a patient in your care? Call our Physician Access Line at 202-476-4880.