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Emergency Department Clinical Research Undergraduate Internship

The clinical research undergraduate internship is a unique opportunity for students to directly participate in clinical research. Students will develop research skills ranging from patient enrollment in clinical research projects to engaging in overall research operations in various departments, such as Emergency Medicine and Trauma Services and Hematology. In addition, research interns will participate in workshops geared towards their professional development, receive mentorship from physicians and other healthcare providers and learn more about careers in healthcare.

This clinical internship will be conducted onsite at Children’s National Hospital. As directed by hospital policy, interns will need to show proof of being fully vaccinated, as well as meet other requirements, to participate in the internship program.

The summer 2025 internship is from May 20 - Aug. 8, 2025. Interns are required to spend 30 hours a week onsite.

  • Students will gain research experience working in various clinical departments at Children’s National Hospital that will strengthen their skills in developing a career in public health and/or medicine.
  • Students will be exposed to the practical application of research to provide critical context and texture to research theory. 
  • The ED Research Undergraduate Internship offers a broad diversity of research from basic observational studies to complex randomized controlled trials thereby exposing students to the full spectrum of research applications in a single clinical setting.
  • Motivated students will have the opportunity to develop mentor/mentee relationships with faculty and clinical staff. Given appropriate motivation on the part of each individual student, these relationships could result in graduate school/professional recommendation letters from faculty and the opportunity to develop an individual research project and/or work in an externship capacity with an individual faculty member on existing research protocol.
  • The onsite internship will allow shadowing physicians in the clinical setting.
  • This is an unpaid learning experience. A stipend may be available.

Contact Information

For more information, please contact Desiree Edemba, MBS, program manager; Bobbe Thomas, BA, CCRP, director, clinical research program, co-director of Emergency Department Clinical Research Internship; and Jessica Williams, MD, emergency medicine fellow, co-director of Emergency Department Clinical Research Internship.

Our Location

Children’s National Hospital
Division of Emergency Medicine
111 Michigan Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20010

Explore Our Program

To be considered for the internship, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old and a sophomore in college at the time of application. Undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students are encouraged to apply.
  • Be able/willing to commit a minimum of 30 hours per week onsite, no more than four shifts per week.
  • Be willing to be onsite day, night and weekend shifts.
  • Demonstrate strong academic standing.
  • Commit to the entire length of the internship.