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At the beginning of each academic year of the Pediatric Radiology Fellowship, the program director meets with fellows individually and as a group. In these sessions, goals and objectives are set for each individual trainee.

Goals are focused on the following:

  • Achievement of diagnostic and treatment excellence
  • Accomplishment in academic activity
  • Preparation of graduate level seminar material
  • Development of teaching skills
  • Understanding of performance improvement, accreditation, business practices and organization activities

Radiology Fellowship Training Program

The training program is tailored to the needs of each individual fellow with a considerable amount of flexibility under the supervision of the program director. Graduated levels of responsibility are provided. A close relationship between faculty mentors and fellows is the standard leading to collaboration in career development, academic activities, and general educational progress.

The training program lasts for a period of twelve months. This includes:

  • Six months of general diagnostic radiology including fluoroscopy, inpatient and outpatient film interpretation and cross-sectional body imaging with clinical conference participation
  • One month of vacation
  • Five months of rotations in nuclear medicine (1-2 months), neuroradiology (1-2 months) and interventional radiology (2-8 weeks)

Electives in fetal imaging, cardiac and musculoskeletal imaging are added as requested. Throughout the year, the trainee takes graduated night and weekend call, with increasing levels of responsibility in their rotations. A second year of training is available upon request. This involves further subspecialty training in neuroradiology, nuclear medicine, or cross-sectional body imaging. These sub-specialty rotations are accomplished under the direction of a faculty mentor.

Didactic lectures are given each morning. Interesting case conferences in neuro and body imaging are presented weekly. Journal clubs are presented monthly with fellows and residents in attendance. Combined case conferences with other specialties occur throughout the month including:

  • Fetal
  • Gastroenterology
  • Genetics
  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Oncology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngology
  • Surgery
  • Urology

At times, the fellows are requested to present in pediatric professorial rounds and surgery-path conferences.

The fellows are expected to present at interesting case conferences and develop two didactic lectures during their training. Each fellow is responsible for presenting a basic radiology lecture on the chest to rotating medical students from The George Washington University. Time is provided to complete a quality improvement project of the fellow’s choice.