Living in Washington, D.C.
Where We Live
There are various housing options in the greater Washington D.C. area. Most residents choose to live in DC with the most popular neighborhoods being located in Northwest and Northeast D.C. Neighborhood residents love include Columbia Heights, Shaw, Adams Morgan, Mount Pleasant, Dupont Circle, NOMA and H-street. Depending on where you live in the city, it is possible to get to the hospital using public buses and the hospital shuttle system; so not all residents have cars.
Other residents choose to live close to DC in the Maryland or Virginia suburbs. Popular areas include Silver Spring, MD and Arlington, VA. These locations offer a short (~30 minute) commute to work with a more neighborhood feel. These locations require that residents have a car for transportation.
How We Live
The cost of living in Washington D.C. is comparable to any major city such as Boston, NYC, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco or LA. However, our resident Salary & Benefits (link) are extremely competitive and allow us to live well in Washington D.C.! Many residents chose to live alone, while others pair up with resident or non-resident roommates. Some residents choose to buy homes in the Washington, D.C. area. DC is a very pet-friendly city, so all pets (old or new) are encouraged!
Fun Things to Do in Washington D.C.
There is always something going on in this city! With free events at museums and monuments, multiple sports teams and the city’s close proximity to the outdoors of Virginia and Maryland – there is something for everyone. Some of our residents’ favorite highlights are below:
There so many great places to eat and drink around the district. Whether you prefer hip and trendy bistros, cozy brunch cafes or authentic international eateries, Washington, D.C. has got you covered.
- Farmers Markets: Check out various locations in neighborhoods around the city. One of the most popular locations occurs in DuPont Circle year-round on Sunday mornings.
- Restaurants: There so many great places to eat and drink around the district. Whether you prefer trendy bistros, cozy brunch cafes or authentic international eateries, Washington, D.C. has got you covered.