Global Health Elective Sites
Residents have the opportunity to participate in a 1-month international or immigrant health elective during their 2nd or 3rd year of residency. Residents have completed international or immigrant health electives in the following areas:
Explore Elective Sites
Border Health
Children's National residents have been graciously hosted by the Community for Children to participate in a social advocacy and leadership development elective sponsored by the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine.
Pediatric residents and faculty join the Project Medishare team from George Washington University School of Medicine to provide ambulatory healthcare in rural Haiti.
Residents participate in a clinical inpatient and/or outpatient elective in the Roatan Public Hospital and/or local community clinic (Clinica Esperanza or Roatan Volunteer Pediatric Clinic).
Residents contribute to pediatric simulation training for emergency physicians in India alongside our Pediatric Emergency Medicine faculty.
Indian Health Service
Pediatric residents have completed clinical electives providing care for Navajo children.
Prior residents have completed clinical electives in Mahosot Hospital in Vientiane with Health Frontiers and Lao Friends Hospital for Children.
In affiliation with the Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI) and the Baylor Children’s Foundation – Lesotho, Children's National residents have completed clinical HIV electives at the Baylor Center of Excellence in Maseru, Lesotho and have contributed to educational research projects, “Assessment of nurses’ perceived training needs and knowledge gaps in general pediatrics in Lesotho” and “Cross-Cultural Global Medical Education: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Students and Providers in Lesotho.”
Residents rotate at the The Philippine General Hospital, a 102-year-old national tertiary referral center and teaching hospital of University of Philippines, Manila and participate in a rural elective on the island of Romblon.
Residents participate in an elective in Chiang Saen, Thailand which includes both a clinical experience at a local community hospital and volunteer work with an organization dedicated to survivors of child trafficking. In partnership with the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, residents have the opportunity to experience subspecialty electives abroad.
As part of the flagship Children's National GHI program in Rheumatic Heart Disease, residents have traveled to Gulu, Uganda to assist with clinical research studies, including “The Impact of Echocardiographic Screening for Rheumatic Heart Disease on Patient Quality of Life.”
In collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), our Children's National resident interned at its regional office in Montevideo, Uruguay completing clinical research at the Latin American Center for Perinatology and Women’s Health.
Contact Us
If you are interested in completing an international or immigrant health elective during your PL-2 and/or PL-3 year of residency, please contact Kathy Ferrer, MD