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Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology for the Primary Care Provider

Date: October 6, 2017
Location: Hyatt Regency Bethesda

1 Bethesda Metro Center

Bethesda, Maryland


<p>Pre-pubertal and adolescent girls experience a myriad of gynecologic problems. Most of these issues can be safely managed by primary care providers with specialty in pediatrics, family practice and gynecology. Pediatricians are often not comfortable with gynecologic problems and gynecologists are often not so with children.</p>

Pre-pubertal and adolescent girls experience a myriad of gynecologic problems. Most of these issues can be safely managed by primary care providers with specialty in pediatrics, family practice and gynecology. Pediatricians are often not comfortable with gynecologic problems and gynecologists are often not so with children.

Confidential services for adolescents are acknowledged to be an integral part of quality care but recent regulations for the use of electronic medical records and meaningful use can undermine this important principle. Pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea are common complaints in adolescents and can have structural and physiologic causes. It is important to recognize these and treat adolescents early to prevent long term sequelae. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology published a joint opinion with the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2006 identifying the menstrual cycle as a vital sign in the care of adolescent girls. Yet many primary care providers and gynecologists alike are unclear as to what normal menstrual patterns are in this age group and when abnormal cycles can be a sign of a bigger problem. One such problem, female athlete triad, can have serious consequences and is difficult to manage, especially in this post Title IX era when adolescent females are encouraged to participate in competitive sports. Primary care providers may not be familiar with the full range of appropriate contraceptive options for adolescents. Furthermore, there is confusion about contraceptive use in adolescents with complex medical problems as well as management of side effects. Other aspects of the pediatric and adolescent gynecology subspecialty with which many providers may have little knowledge or firsthand experience which include care of transgender adolescents, indications and regiment for prevention of HIV, prepubertal gynecologic complaints, and surgical issues in pediatric and adolescent gynecology.


After completing this activity, the participant will be able to:

  • Recognize when a young woman’s menstrual cycle is abnormal, initiate appropriate work up and facilitate appropriate treatment and/or referral
  • Work-up and treat adolescent patients with female athlete triad according to the ACOG Guidelines
  • Recognize the principle of ovarian preservation in the adolescent
  • Define the proper indications for long-acting reversible contraception and discuss complex contraception in patients with complex medical issues
  • Discuss the principles of adolescent patient confidentiality in the age of EMR
  • Identify the causes of pelvic pain and utilize evaluation and management strategies
  • Identify the causes of pelvic pain and utilize evaluation and management strategies


  • Physician $225
  • Resident/Fellow $95
  • Advanced Practice Clinician $95
  • Nurse $95
  • Allied Health Professional $95

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made in writing by August 25, 2017 will be subject to a 50% penalty. No refunds will be given after August 25, 2017. Cancellations will not be accepted by telephone. In the unlikely event that the course is canceled, MedStar Washington Hospital Center will refund the registration fee, but is not responsible for any travel costs.

Please call 202-780-1655 or email if you any questions or need any additional information. 


This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of MedStar Georgetown Univerisy Hospital and MedStar Washington Hospital Center. MedStar Georgetown Univerisy Hospital is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Credit Designation 

MedStar Georgetown University Hospital designates this live activity for a maximum of 6.25 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

For Nurses: For the purpose of recertification, the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) accepts AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM issued by organizations accredited by the ACCME. Nurses who attend a Category 1 CME certified activity can complete the continuing education hours section of the ANCC Professional Development Record in order to document the courses attended and the hours obtained.

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