Clinical Rotations - Advanced Practice Nursing Students
- Advanced Practice Graduate Nursing Clinical Rotation Students
- Clinical Rotations
With consideration for your personal schedule and personal goals, rank your top 5 in order of preference in your additional information at application. These preferences are not guaranteed but are taken into consideration. Please make a separate MCE request for each specialty rotation.
Many rotation sites have multiple applicants and can only accommodate one student. Therefore, to have a standardized and competitive student selection process- all student requests are reviewed, and candidates selected by the specialty preceptors.
Primary care and adolescent sites have very limited availability.
It is recommended placement options be discussed with clinical faculty prior to submission to ensure the placement request meets clinical course requirements.
Students must have an active RN license in locality of rotation (MD/VA/D.C.).
For any additional questions please email us.
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Outpatient rotation
- Acute and primary care
- Prerequisites: Early in-clinical rotation acceptable
- D.C. and MD
- Monday – Friday
Autism Behavioral Communication Service
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Inpatient consultation by ABC service OT/autism specialist and outpatient telehealth consultations with developmental neuropsychologist - medical patients with autism precepted by a neuropsychologist
- Elective rotations < 40 hours
- Partner with neurodevelopmental team
- D.C.
- Telehealth
- In-person
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Blood and Marrow Transplant
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Inpatient/outpatient acute and chronic patients
- Prerequisites: Acute and/or primary care Completed at least one primary care rotation. Previous nursing experience in Hem/Onc/BMT or other acute care setting.
- D.C.
- Inpatient: Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Outpatient: Monday, Wednesday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Cancer and Blood Disorders Center
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Hematology and Oncology. Inpatient and outpatient. Students rotate through multiple specialties within the Cancer and Blood Disorders Center (inpatient/outpatient, hem/onc patients).
- Prerequisites: Acute and/or primary care. Completed at least one primary care rotation.
- D.C.
- 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Child and Adolescent Protection Center
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- During this rotation, students will be exposed to an interdisciplinary team approach to the evaluation and care of maltreated children in ambulatory and inpatient settings. Students will also participate in case-based meetings with non-medical stakeholders, from the child welfare and criminal-legal systems, that respond to maltreated children and youth.
- Prerequisites: None
- D.C.
- Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Complex Care
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- The Complex Care Program at Children’s National Hospital provides a primary care medical home for children with complex medical conditions. Children are technology dependent and followed by multiple specialists. Our team strives to optimize quality of life and the patient experience by providing continuity, coordination and consistency of care for patients and families.
- Prerequisites: Must have interest and/or experience with children with medical complexity
- D.C.
- Inpatient:
- Monday and Wednesday: 1 – 5 p.m.
- Tuesday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 – 5 p.m.
- Thursday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- Friday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Outpatient setting at main campus and several satellites. This rotation is participatory, not observational. Rotators will interview, examine and chart on the patients whom they see.
- Prerequisites: Must have completed a pediatric rotation. No 1st semester students.
- D.C. and MD
- Laurel (MD) and Friendship Heights (D.C.)
- Possibly: Rockville (MD) or the CP&A clinic in Foggy Bottom (D.C.) 1 x per year
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday day shifts.
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Dialysis Unit
- Outpatient setting
- D.C.
- Mondays and Fridays, 7 a.m. -7 p.m. except the 4th week of the month: Monday and Wednesday 7 a.m. -7 p.m.
Emergency Department
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- For UMC – no first-semester students, please. Preference for pediatric ED/ICU background.
- Prerequisites: Preference for acute care students but will consider FNP or primary PNP with solid peds background and/or future care in underserved pediatric populations (rural, refugee, urban, etc.)
- D.C.
- Main hospital
Endocrinology and Diabetes
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes outpatient
- Endocrine and Diabetes inpatient
- Prerequisites: Must have completed general peds rotation or have experience in peds clinical work; interest in diabetes.
- D.C.
- MD (Annapolis)
- Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (can accommodate up to 8 hours per week)
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Outpatient clinic
- We have our students spend a few days with the GI consult and inpatient teams for a well-rounded experience.
- Prerequisite: Acute care or combined AC/PC students strongly preferred for inpatient; Primary care students ok for outpatient rotations.
- D.C.
- Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
General Pediatrics / Primary and Adolescent Care
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
Limited number of rotations available.
- Anacostia
- Columbia Heights
- CPNA Foggy Bottom
- Shaw Metro
- Shepherd Park
- D.C.
- MD
General Surgery
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Rotating schedules, 1 week of outpatient followed by 2 weeks of inpatient
- D.C.
- Inpatient: 6 a.m. – 4 p.m.
- Outpatient: 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Outpatient Clinic
- Coordinate care, testing and diagnosis for infants around the DMV who have had abnormal newborn metabolic screening. Role involves direct patient care, telemedicine visits, phone consults, research and advocacy work.
- D.C.
Heart Center
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- CICU: Critical care of children with both congenital and acquired heart disease
- CV Surgery: Post-op management, inpatient setting. Rotate to other Heart Center subspecialties.
- Prerequisites: Acute/ critical care PNP students
- Advanced Cardiac Therapies: care of children with advanced heart failure and pre/post heart transplant patients across critical care, acute care and outpatient settings
- D.C.
- CICU: Mon. – Fri. 6 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- CV surgery:
- Days/Shifts
- 7 days a week
- 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
- 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
- ACT: Mon. – Fri.7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Infectious Disease
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Inpatient consultation service
- Prerequisites: Must have completed a pediatric rotation. No 1st semester students.
- 1 student at a time
- D.C.
- Monday – Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Interventional Radiology
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Inpatient rounding
- Depending on procedures scheduled, introduction to ultrasound guided vascular access
- D.C.
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 7 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Outpatient rotation – majority renal transplant patients and some general nephrology
- Prerequisites: Must have completed general peds rotation or have experience in general peds clinical work
- D.C.
- Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.,
- Wednesday: 12:30 – 4 p.m.
Neonatal Intensive Care
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Prerequisites: Have 150 hours of completed clinical or be applying for last semester of clinical
- 2 students per semester only
- D.C.
- 7 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Neurodevelopment / Neurogenetics
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Outpatient
- Partner with ABC team
- Need Maryland RN license
- D.C. locations can observe only if don’t have D.C. license
- D.C.
- MD
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Prerequisites: Inpatient, Neuro-ICU and outpatient subspecialty clinics. Acute care NP.
- Primary care NP’s for subspecialty clinics only
- D.C.
- MD
- Montgomery County day shift Monday - Wednesday
- No summers
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Primarily outpatient
- Prerequisites: Must have 2 years’ experience as a nurse and be enrolled in an in-person or hybrid program, OR opportunity limited to 1-2 days of observation
- D.C.
- VA
- 6:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Non-Clinical DNP/ MSN Education Informatics Leadership
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
For non-clinical placement requests, contact:
Katherine DuBois, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, HEC-C
Nursing Education & Professional Development
Phone: 202-476-5032 | Email
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Outpatient setting at main campus & several satellites
- Prerequisite: Primary care NP and PA only. OR experience is extremely limited.
- D.C.
- MD (Lanham, Rockville and Annapolis)
- Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Evaluate and treat pain that persists for longer than expected. Blend traditional medicine and alternative therapies for patients suffering from chronic pain including headaches, post-surgical pain, back pain, nerve-related injuries, widespread musculoskeletal pain, complex regional pain syndrome, POTS, sickle cell pain, etc. Collaborate with physical therapy, pain psychology, psychiatry. Medication management, acupuncture, Botox, comprehensive chronic pain education, trigger point and other pain injections.
- D.C. (main site)
- MD Inpatient/ outpatient
- VA Inpatient/ outpatient
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Fridays off-site MD/ VA
Palliative Care
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Interest in integrative pain and symptom management, communication skill building, ethics and community-based palliative care
- D.C.
- Monday - Friday
Pediatric Intensive Care
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Inpatient
- Prerequisites:
- Recent (within the last two years) PICU/CICU experience from between 3-5 years
- Interested in pursuing a role in the PICU/CICU when they graduate
- Experience in the critical aspects of BMT or critical care of oncology patients
- Will work a minimum of 240 to 400 hours with us as we prepare them for this role
- D.C.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- D.C.
- Neuroscience clinic: Mon. and Wed. (Inpatient consults)
- Brachial Plexus or Muscular Dystrophy clinics: Thursday
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery / Wound Care
- D.C.
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Outpatient - FNP/PNP
- D.C.
Pulmonary Advanced Lung Therapies / Lung Transplant
- D.C.
- Monday – Friday
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Inpatient/consults
- D.C.
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Outpatient clinics
- FNP/PNP students, acute or primary care
- D.C. (Friendship Heights)
- MD (Lanham, Rockville, Maplelawn/Fulton)
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Special Immunology
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- FNP/PNP students
- D.C.
Sleep Clinic
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Procedures: biofeedback uroflows and urodynamics
- D.C.
- VA
- Telemedicine
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Trauma / Burn / Surgery
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Inpatient trauma/burn and outpatient burn clinic setting
- Prerequisites: Additional application required
- PALS certification preferred
- Acute Care PNP program required
- Strong interest in trauma/burn
- Not suitable for first clinical rotation
- ICU/ED/Acute Care RN experience preferred
- D.C.
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Procedures: biofeedback, uroflows and urodynamics
- D.C.
- VA
- Telemedicine
Wound Team
Description of Rotation/Additional Requirements
- Inpatient/ outpatient
- Consultation service for hospital and outpatient clinics, managing a variety of skin/wound/ostomy conditions
- 40 hours maximum rotation
- Appropriate for specialty, supplement, or elective rotation and not primary clinical rotation
- Should have a special interest in skin, wound, and/or ostomy care
- D.C.
- Inpatient and Outpatient Consults:
- Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- Wound/Ostomy Clinic:
- Thursday: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.