Golden reindeer and festively decorated trees in the lobby of the four seasons. Last year's event decor!

Light Up The Season

Light Up the Season is a dazzling six-week celebration in partnership with the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, DC. Founded to honor the courageous patients, families and staff of Children’s National Hospital, the annual event features a series of magical moments and activities, including weekend Teddy Bear Teas with Dr. Bear, where guests can enjoy holiday treats and create cherished memories.

Our young patients work in partnership with the hotel each year to inspire one-of-a-kind holiday vignettes that reflect their hopes and dreams. These heartwarming displays truly light up the season with gratitude and the spirit of giving.

Driving Pediatric Innovation and Care

Spurring innovative pediatric research, launching critical pilot programs, advancing care and helping all children thrive are at the heart of our mission. 

Light Up the Season benefits the Founders Auxiliary Board’s Major Gifts and Annual Grants programs and Children’s National Hospital’s Fund for Every Child, directly contributing to these life-changing programs.

Shine A Light: Explore Sponsorhip

Be the light this holiday. Sponsor  Light Up The Season and support brighter futures for our young patients.