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A doctor and a teenage boy chat in an exam room at the Adolescent Health Center at Children's National Hospital.

Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine

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A doctor and a teenage boy chat in an exam room at the Adolescent Health Center at Children's National Hospital.
The Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine provides the only comprehensive healthcare services of its kind for adolescents and young adults in the metropolitan Washington, D.C., area. Each year, nearly 10,000 adolescents receive care at the various clinics that make up these programs, many of which offer unique specialty care that is not available anywhere else in the region.

Our Providers

Our pediatric specialists provide personalized care for your child’s physical, mental and emotional health needs.

Contact Information

For an appointment, call 202-476-5464. If you have an urgent need after hours, call 202-476-5000 and ask for the adolescent medicine provider on call.

Our Mission

We seek to improve the health and well-being of youth through:

  • Offering accessible healthcare services for adolescents in the context of their family, culture and community
  • Conducting research to increase understanding of disparities in adolescent health, promote adolescent health equity, and improve adolescent health outcomes
  • Providing the best medical and quality of life outcomes, patient and family experiences to adolescents and young adults in our health system and community
  • Respecting individuality and supporting physical and emotional growth by empowering adolescents to take ownership of their healthcare and life decisions
  • Demonstrating excellence in teaching, creating and disseminating new knowledge and promoting shared commitment and community collaboration.

What specialty services are available?

What services can my child receive from the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine?


If you have questions about Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, please reach out to Anisha Abraham, MD, division chief. For general information, please call 202-476-5464.

child with watering can

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